Responsive Design Websites

Responsive Design allows your site to adapt to the visitor's screen size.

More and more web viewing takes place on smartphones and tablets these days — with some of our clients' sites mobile views now outnumber those from desktop and laptop browsers. It's a trend that can only continue, so it's vital to ensure that smartphone and tablet users can use your site effectively and efficiently.

Many web agencies will explain that you need a special 'mobile' version of your site for these phone and tablet viewers, or perhaps they'll even suggest that they can build you an 'app'. A few more clued-up agencies will tell you that this is rubbish, and that by using modern 'responsive design' techniques your site can adapt to the size of the screen that's viewing it. Here comes the rub though, they'll usually tell you that this comes as the expense of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and accessibility.

Don't believe them! It's perfectly possible to have a website that looks nice, works perfectly, adapts to work on smartphones and tablets, gets top-notch rankings from Google etc., and meets the needs of people with visual impairments and other disabilities.

For evidence of this take a look at the work that we've recently done for Marston's PLC: The website is now fully responsive, adapting its style, navigation, and even content to suite a range of different devices - even the complex investor relations parts of the site. Yet it's still fully accessible, passing AA and AAA tests on every page, earning an almost unheard of 9.9 in SiteMorse testing.

Screenshot of Sitemorse 9.9 out of 10 ranking for the Marston's PLC website

Responsive Design is a technique that works particularly well for Corporate or Investor Relations websites, but we've also successfully used it for brand sites, HR/recruitment sites, product sites, and many others.

Do you want a 9.9 website too?

If you're about to create or re-develop a website we'd love you to consider CST Group for the task. We've an impressive track record, and would like to show you some of the work that we've done, and talk to you about the difference that we could make to your company.

We can be very flexible in terms of contracts and budgets, and if you take our maintenance and hosting services we can even create the initial site for free. This is all best discussed face to face - we're happy to come anywhere in the UK to meet you. Just call us on 01273 621393, or complete our contact form.

To find out more about what we've done for our clients, please view our projects section.

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Whether you have a new or existing project, we’d love to hear from you.

Our experienced team thrive on problem solving and working with your business goals in mind.

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