Articles filed under Press Articles
GDPR principles and your web site
There’s a large amount of scaremongering about GDPR doing the rounds, especially by companies trying to sell expensive compliance ‘solutions’.
Facebook EdgeRank Scams
Those of you who use Facebook will no doubt have seen your friends and family posting all kinds of stupid and apparently pointless puzzles.
Holding Amazon To Account
I thought I’d tell you about some silliness around Amazon and its customer accounts.
Touchy Feely Smartphones
Touch screens or physical QWERTY keyboards? Dabbing a sheet of glass or pressing proper buttons?
Designing iPad Apps
I thought I’d write a bit about designing applications for Apple’s iPad.
Not All Touch-Screens Are Created Equal
If you look at the specifications of touch screen phones, tablets, and even some touch screen PCs you’ll notice the terms Capacitive and Resistive used. The latter is more often associated with less expensive devices. But what are these two technologies and is one always better than the other?
Mobile Virtual Networks
I overheard a conversation on the train last week – of the three people huddled around the small table, one was obviously the team's self-appointed technical expert.
How to Create a Web Presence for a Small Business
Paul Ockenden reveals the steps to success, and the hidden traps that could stop your site in its tracks
The Man in the Yellow W’stct
Heading across London in a taxi yesterday evening, I spotted one of my pet hates.
Dating Game
One of the biggest hassles for any programmer in any language is working with date formats.