Recent blog entries
Email slaves
There was a time, and it wasn't that long ago, when the average chief technical officer (CTO) spent his mornings reading emails, lunchtimes 'doing lunch' and the afternoons reading emails that had arrived during lunch. They'd become slaves to their inboxes.
More DOS Site Monitoring
Oh, the irony! We write about a really nasty task - something that, frankly, we'd like to forget about - and it generates a record volume of email.
Is this site secure
As you might have read in the news a few months back, some credit card companies are amending their terms and conditions to insist that their cards may only be used on the Internet to make purchases from 'secure' sites.
Chopping logs
We received an interesting email from Arturo of Bristol, asking if we could help explain the data in his NT4 IIS server log files.
A hold up at the airport
Many of us have wireless networks in their homes and offices, and they are often built using Apple's wonderful little Airport base station.
If you follow the news from the world of e-commerce you can't fail to have noticed a little cock-up involving a camera listed on the Kodak Web site.
Spam Tracing
It's been a month of email problems.
ASP email handling
It's a favourite trick of ours, which we've shown you before in this column, to send an email message from a Web page using just six lines of ASP code.
DOS Site Monitoring
All of our clients are lovely, but sometimes they can be difficult, and this month one lot in particular has been more difficult than most.
Saving your Intranet
As promised last month, here's the second half of our advice on how to stop your company intranet becoming like an expensive kitchen gadget - fun at first, but then after while it just sits there with no-one using it.